Using this website section almost like a blog page, where i can share some personal thoughts about different points and maybe advices.
Sliding nuts VS threaded inserts in rails:
Racks are listed and would come by default with sliding nuts in rails, calculated as 1 every 4hp. This is the usually fine average amount.
My opinion is: sliding nuts are good when the system is well planned, and modules movement/swapping is bare.
If you are in continuous system revisitation, you might consider threaded inserts. They are indeed more comfortable and probably you won't regret them!
Just get in touch for more informations, some are present yet in "CUSTOM MODIFICATION" section
PSUs and general powering system:
The usual MW's RT65b psu generally work like tanks, especially when under-stressed. They provide a maximum of 2800mA on +12v side, 1000mA on -12v side, and 4000mA on 5v.
They represent the best compromise between cost/capability and adding more units (based on the size of the system) will just let it be under-stressed, with a low extra charge.
However, sometimes, it worth to upgrade to more serious components, built and created for real eurorack in about the best way we can find around.
In particular, in such a case, i'd tend to suggest Konstant Lab stuff. What's available would be:
- HammerPWR 100W psu (5000/2500/5000mA)
- SeventyPWR 70W psu (2500/2500/2000mA)
Beneficts would not be only on quality of the units and capability: weight and height are very restricted if compared to the MW or Doepfer units, allowing lighter final weight on biggest system, and shorter eventual internal depth, allowed by their 20mm height. This is sometimes compromised from MWs, which are 40mm height, and force use to keep internal depth higher in order to let medium-depth modules fit above it.
Internal depth:
Almost in every model (except those one marked "allowed for carry on luggage for flight restrictions") is considered to 80mm as internal space.
I'd tend to advice "more" rather than "less" as someone likes skiff design.
I prefer to keep it larger, not just for best air flowing, but also for not compromising eventual future different plans.
What about if in future you'll decide to get a deeper module than what initially planned, and can not afford it just because of the depth of the rack? It would be a shame...
Reminding also that internal depth is taken in certain areas from powering system.
MW and Doepfer psus take 40mm, Konstant Lab's take only 20mm.
Bus boards itself even take about 10mm.
In any case, we can plan together whatever is best for your needs.